Below are the shooting sports we offer at IWLA, in the order of beginner to experienced. Take a look at each page to get an idea of what we have to offer.
York Chapter #67
Shooting Sports
Shooting Sports
The Pistol committee at York Izaak Walton does much more than just run pistol matches. We now run matches just about every weekend March through November and some involve not only pistols, but pistol caliber carbines, rifles and shotguns as well. Our events range from casual shoots for novices to competitions which draw and challenge some of the best shooters in the world. We have something for everyone. All of our matches are open to the public but most require advance registration, and some require shooters to be qualified before competing. Please read the descriptions of each of our events below for details, contacts, and specific information. Keep abreast of all of our activities by checking our blog at regularly, or better yet subscribing to it. Our match schedule for all of our events are listed on the schedule there. Some are monthly, some are not.
If you are a member of York Izaak Walton League Chapter #67, or are becoming a member of our club, and would like to receive emails specific to our Pistol Committee email us at and ask to be added to the list."