York Chapter #67


Izaak Walton League of America

IWLA Juniors are our kids..

Ages 8 to 18, our kids are very active! 

Fishing trips, 3D archery shoots, making bird houses,
help in raising trout & pheasants, community service projects
and much more!

Membership is only $20.00 per year.
(this is to allow us to provide National membership to our Juniors)

Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday of the month, 7pm at the IWLA grounds, Junior Clubhouse.

The York Chapter 67 IWLA Juniors was founded in 1949 by Lester "Les" Krall. Initially an all boys group who in 1950, as their first project, they decided to finance and build the memorial plaza and flag pole that still exists on the club grounds. This is a sacred place that is continued to be used today for a memorial service held every June open meeting.

The Juniors continue to do many things for the club, our community and in the name of conservation. Many Junior members have gone on to be Senior members in the IWLA as well as predominant positions in the community in the PA Fish Commission and in the York County Parks system and more.

Contact: Sarah Chenowith
