Contact Us

York Chapter #67


President - Greg Senft

1st Vice President - Robert Tumberlinson

2nd vice President - Mike Henry

Secretary - William Stone

Correspondence Secretary - Vacant

Treasurer - Gary Swope

Asst. Treasurer - Sheri Wolf (acting)

State  Director - Cindy Ness

Izaak Walton League of America

YoRK Chapter #67

7131 Ironstone hill rd

dallastown, pa 17313

Club  Phone: 717-428-2000


Our Chapter Leadership (The Board)

Chairman of the York IWLA Board is Allen Evler, Please email him at if you wish to address the Board.

If a member with 2 years standing is interested in serving the Chapter by filling a vacant position, please email Board Chair Allen for more info.

Thank you for your interest in Izaak Walton League York Chapter #67.

Please feel free to contact us at

If you are interested in joining the chapter, please see our membership info page for more information. 


Term ending September 2025
Ted Bell
Jon Chenowith
Allen Evler
Sheri Wolf

Term ending September 2026
Sarah Chenowith
R.W. Wood
Jerry Lauer

Eric Wolf

Term ending September 2027

David Stampler

Dan Blair

Ed Kelly

​Greg Ziegler

Izaak Walton League of America