York Chapter #67
Trap Shooting
Held every Monday Night 6pm to 9pm
OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. Voice Activated Pullers. Ranges are well lit for use after dark. Two standard automatic traps and one wobble trap. All shooter levels welcome!
Rifle Range
We offer a 100 yard and a 200 yard Rifle Range as well as one 50 yard pit and a short range pistol area.
Save Our Streams
Stream restoration is returning degraded ecosystems to a stable, healthy condition. The York Chapter of the Izaak Walton League of America has developed various partnerships for the restoration of the East Branch Codorus Creek.
Trout CO-OP
The IWLA is dedicated the conservation our natural resource. As part of that effort The York Chapter #67 runs a very successful Trout CO-OP
York Chapter #67 Programs:
We have several Archery targets located around the grounds to allow you to practice your archery skills.
Shooting Sports
We now run matches just about every weekend March - November & some involve not only pistols, but pistol caliber carbines, rifles and shotguns as well. We always welcome visitors who just want to watch.